Duchess Kate Middleton stands firm and says she will never forgive Meghan Markle for the trouble she has caused in the royal realm.

Prince William wants to make peace with his separated brother Harry, so he is planning a truce across continents.

A meeting between William and Harry across the Atlantic is on the way, which could end the feud between the two royal families.

Kate may be cautious about reaching out to Meghan because she fears Meghan will spark more royal drama.

Prince William is willing to extend an olive branch to fix things. Kate, though, remains distrustful of Meghan.

In the middle of all the beauty, Kate's heart hardens because she is sure that Meghan's actions have hurt the royal family for good.

Queen-to-be Kate is a peacemaker despite their disagreements. She strives to mend Prince Harry's royal rift.

Kate's late-night words, which are hidden by the darkness, reach Prince Harry through secret calls. She asks for unity.

An extraordinary tale of betrayal, anger, and royal relationships takes place in the castle. Everyone is anticipating a broken family's miraculous revival.